VR Tourism News
January 31st, 2023

The Only VR Newsletter for the Travel Industry

Note from the Editor:   Here we are. New Year. New and annoying stories about this metaverse thing. But, to paraphrase one of the headlines below, If you’re in the travel business, ignore at your peril. When the author goes on to compare the metaverse to the Internet of the 90’s, I’m reminded of a management retreat in 1993 where our PR director, married to a guy who worked for Apple, brought up this new thing called the internet. We all laughed.

Happy New Year everyone!
Deborah Reinow, Executive Editor    
Of course, we have to start off with a forecast story. It’s a good one. 

5 travel technology trends for 2023   Expresscomputer.in
Like most spheres in life, an array of continually evolving new-age technologies is also shaping the travel industry in multiple ways. Whether it is a traveler making his booking, a travel agency providing its services, or a hospitality player showcasing amenities, technology has come to permeate travel. Here are the five travel technology trends that are likely to play out in 2023.
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We love that this story lives up to its promise:  PRACTICAL

Unlocking the potential of the metaverse for hotels: a practical guide  Hospitality.net
The metaverse is rapidly emerging as an alternative tool for businesses in the hospitality industry, offering new opportunities for advertising, immersive e-Commerce, and B2A marketing. As entrepreneurs and hotel operators begin to explore the possibilities of this new technology, it's crucial to understand if and how it can enhance the guest experience and drive loyalty.
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Snapchat is blowing its own horn here but they have been a leader in bringing AR to marketing in very affordable ways  
Augmented Reality: Where consumers eat with their eyes first Restaurantbusinessonline.com
It’s been said time and again that augmented reality marketing is “the future,” but for Gen Z, augmented reality is part of the purchasing journey already. 
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This article really gets specific. Give it a go.  

Ignore at your peril - What is the Metaverse and how will it change the future of travel?    hotelnewsresource.com
Ignore it if you want: the metaverse of 2022 is just like the internet of the early 1990s. It could change everything.
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Click on the link to check this out yourself. No VR headset is required.

Celebrity Cruises unveils metaverse experience   Travelweekly.com
Dubbing it the “Wonderverse,” Celebrity has created a video-game-like digital world where people can explore the line's newest ship. The system enables users to personalize their character and use the camera and microphone on their device to interact with other players. 
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A quick refresher on definitions

AR vs. VR vs. MR vs. XR: What's the Difference?   Lifewire.com
All augmented, virtual, and mixed reality experiences are called ‘extended reality,’ but each is different in very specific ways.”
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VR Tourism News www.VRTourismNews.com 1-415-786-9108 (California, USA)
Deborah Reinow, Executive Editor . Maria Polk, President & CEO maria@VRTourismNews.com

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